For the acupuncturist, our ear is like an open book: On our ear, he can detect and treat weaknesses and diseases of the body. No matter whether a chronic neck pain shall be finally stopped or the wish for the next cigarette - the right switch for this is located on the ear.
Acupuncture has long since been established when it comes to the support and expedition of the healing process. We also make use of this gentle treatment in order to make the consultation as pleasant as possible for our patients.
Ear acupuncture helps not only in allaying fears prior to an intervention but also has a relaxing and pain-relieving effect. It has already proved its worth as an anti-inflammatory agent and as a remedy for dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. With this holistic method from traditional Chinese medicine we can reduce the administration of medications – particularly pain medications.
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Mit dieser ganzheitlichen Methode aus der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin können wir die Medikamentenvergabe – vor allem die Gabe von Schmerzmitteln – reduzieren. Wir beraten Sie gerne umfassend zu diesem Zhema: